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The Sexual Double Standard

Posted on July 9, 2022 by Haywood Ostrowski

We live in a society that promotes the notion it is normal for a person to want many women and yet ordinary for a woman to want just 1 man. Our beliefs about male and female behaviour might have been useful in the past, but now they are doing a lot more harm than good. As a society we will need to stop perpetuating the myth that females are naturally monogamous because this incorrect belief keeps women from accepting responsibility when they do cheat. Unfortunately, when women cheat they typically place the blame on their husbands.

The majority of the prevailing beliefs we hold about women were created and taught to control the sexual behavior of females in a bid to ease paternity insecurity in men. When females give birth they know the children they give birth to are mutually. Men on the other hand, before DNA testing, had to depend on the faithfulness of the spouses; which is why a sexual double-standard emerged. But over time the sexual double-standard succumbed to a false belief that females were actually naturally monogamous. Today, it's no longer necessary to keep on teaching this false belief because DNA testing enables males to have the exact same certainty about paternity as females.

Nowadays, women initiate approximately 70 - 75% of all divorces. As a result of our false beliefs, women lack sufficient knowledge about their natural sexual instincts; as a consequence, they are considerably more likely than men to leave their unions because of their sexual attractions and affairs. Although women typically pursue separations and divorces under the guise of"looking yourself" the real reason is often another man. It's not unusual for women to be married before their affairs; it is also not unusual for guys to be divorced by their wives without knowing about their wives' extramarital relationships.

For several years now, women have been knowingly or unknowingly performing a balancing act - trying to achieve equal rights, while at exactly the exact same time, attempting to maintain their particular rights. Interestingly enough, most women are still not pleased. Women continue to feel that they get the short end of the stick. Women still don't feel like they have equal rights, not as particular rights, why? Since the sexual double-standard still exists in our civilization; but paradoxically, women's final right to assert is the origin where their oppression stemmed.

However, it's no more men who oppress women - it's women. Women haven't yet decided whether they would like to trade their"picture" and all of the special treatment it affords themfor the"people" sexual freedom that's afforded to males. Because of this, among the biggest problems in relationships now, is because of the fact that girls are finding it increasingly more challenging to keep their"picture," now that their survival is no longer contingent upon it.

It's only by doing away with the sexual double standard that females will eventually attain the equality they have so long sought after. However, in doing this, they will need to give up one of the particular rights - they will no longer have the ability to blame men due to their sexual indiscretions and their lack of self control.