Tag: multiple
Articles tagged as Multiple
Have Great Orgasm By Stimulating The G-spot
Posted on January 11, 2024 by Haywood Ostrowski
Stimulation of the G-spot is thought to promote a far more vigorous and satisfying orgasm, and is most likely the reason behind female ejaculation from the Skene's glands, within the urethral sponge.Such stimulation takes a somewhat opposite thrust compared to that necessary to obtain maximal clitoral stimulation via the penis, and is frequently described in the vernacular as "riding high".So the g-spot may be the key to see intense ecstatic sex...
Multiple Orgasms
Posted on January 9, 2022 by Haywood Ostrowski
Most women who have experienced both claim that it's simpler to have several G-spot orgasms than it is to have multiple clitoral orgasms.When an orgasm rears its beautiful head while you are playing, try whispering some words of encouragement (and possibly ratchet up the intensity just a little bit), but essentially continue pleasuring through her orgasm, later, and perhaps into a subsequent one.Provided that it feels good for the two of you, what is the point of quitting? There's frequently a"pyramid effect" with multiple G-spot orgasms; every one makes the next one feel better, and makes virtually anything else sexual feel better also...